paul smith I never believed how beneficial to my health laughter was until tragedy hit my family. Then, laughter kept me from orbiting into the land of oblivion. Laughter never sounded so sweet. In the midst of sorrow, a good cry is expected, but a hearty laugh can keep us afloat. We’ve all heard the proverb, “laughter doeth good like a medicine” (notably a good-tasting kind) and writing the humor of life gives a double dose of the good tasting stuff.Inevitably some will scratch their heads and wonder how humor writing can be something to consider when the pain of sorrow from a loss is so consuming. People not in tragedy, envision those in pain only able to cthey are looking for you. You have expertise that you can share for pay. And, because the person at the front of the room is viewed as an expert, you will also boost your expert reputation.Look around for course catalogs from local universities and community colleges. Also watch for announcements of classes offered by other organizations. In Houston, I tstrict attention to rule number 3, paragraph titled: A few helpful hints... section number 5, where he suggests to follow Hemingway's advice: Stop at a point where you still know what's coming next, so the next day's writing can start up easily. Then it's most likely, that this article is not for you.But....It can happen, any time, anywhere - even locked in the attic with huge spiders slowly crawling towards you, venom seeping from their fangs stay-at-home, single mom, and freelance writer working out of my home office, has proven to be a very satisfying, but solitary, arrangement. I love being home with my son and would not have it any other way. He will only be a little boy for a few years and the days when he goes to school and I must be away from him for eight hours a day will arrive too soon.But sometimes I do  A Freelancer's Journey, Part Two iss the intvacation increased/decreased? What are their favorite activities at the beach? etc...)Local Pools - Playgrounds - Libraries(Are there new ones opening or old ones closing? Are there special activities for children? Do they osts For Writers5. Advertise your services using Free classified boards for writers.Below are a few examples of websites that offer this opportunity online:Writers Only FREE Cd other fishy items in their nets each week?)2 - Use a shocking or uncommon statistic to lure the editor into your letter. (Although many national news sources reported that suicide among teenage girls increased dramatically by more than 35% last year, did you know that more than half of those 5,000 young girls were raised without a father for most of their childhood?)Paragraph Two - The SpecificsWho cares about your idea? Who will be effected by your article? What will your story rves. You can not only learn more about your kids and the world as they see it, but you may also hear about something that sparks new ideas for your writing. Children are like sponges, they absorb almost everything that's going on around them. We, as adults, sometimes fail to realize this and in turn lose out on learning what really goes on their little minds.Be honest with your twriter, you may be initially surprised by the lack of media response generated by your press releases.It can be difficult to attract attention to your cause or company's announcement.When you're starting out in PR. Sometimes no matter how well your write a release and/or how important - exciting - "newswort however - I would argue that the power of words is equally consequential. When you think about in these terms - it´s a little overwhelming - being a writer is a major responsibility not to be taken lightly...Don't you agree that we can be the Eyes of The World? Can You Really Sell Your Writing Output On Radio?