m3i zero14, Ministry of the Environment "is this pair.'s First parents the same season spawning. Announced that the most likely set pair 1 during special national treasure you opinion about on Sado Island, Niigata was spawning is confirmed brother and sister were born in from the ministry will continue to observe.
According to the Ministry of tOpponent's defense Koki Kameda, change againhe Environment, and 4-year-old female sibling pairs 6-year-old male. About 50 minutes at 6:00 am on July 14, found women are the female volunteers sat down in the nest. I have confirmed that the pair are ministry officials also sat down in shifts. That I was determined to lay their eggs in the evening after 13, and that the eggs warm. '「中国軍ハッカーのブログ」発見=給料安く愚痴―米紙

m3i zero<> Exhibition game DeNA? China-Japan (March 13, 2013   Yokohama) <br> 
The swing which transferred to DeNA released the two 左越えの home run outside the hall out of Chunichi by the exhibition game with Chunichi. 
The hit ball which struck the breaking pitch included in the 3 times 2nd at-bat of the exhibition game first game in local Yokohama Stadium, and the middle of Chunichi and Ken Nakata passed far through the stand [ where it soars to the left wing ] top which the Dragons fan encamps in defiance of an around 10-meter adverse wind, and disappeared to outside the room. 
Although Chunichi and DirectorMao and those without a first practice piece -- OK, "if" Takagi did not keep back in the transfer of a swing, saying "The fellow who wants to go away should just come out", and it is an exhibition game, the power will be displayed anew. 
Continuing Ramirez of No. 5 also continued with the solo home run to the left-wing middle, Takajo which aims at a regular catcher's post was also thrown into the left center stand, and three home runs confused and flew in one inning. 
The batting lineup which has the destructive power of the new BayStars in the headquarters which performed much repair, such as a scoreboard and an exciting sheet, from this season exploded. 
</p>>北の移動式ICBM、実戦配備の「初期段階」 米長官が警戒

m3i zeroReceived that has been delayed in decontamination under the direct control of the country to carry out in the municipality 11 around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station TEPCO, at a press conference after the cabinet meeting on July 12, Environment Minister Ishihara removed at the end of March next year. "I said, "there is also possible to check everything before summer, revise as necessary" for the decontamination plan established for each municipalityPrime Minister Shinzo Abe in the House of Representatives Budget Committee = the cooperation of electoral reform in Fukushima Prefecture aims to complete dyeing. <br>
According to the Ministry of the Environment, the decontamination was initiated in four municipalities, in Tomioka-machi and Futaba town you have not been able to plan decontamination. Due to allocate or Luggage temporary soil stripping, is that it takes a long time to get consent from the residents to get started decontamination, from local re-examination of the plan was out the voice of need. </ p> 松坂、右ふくらはぎけいれんで途中交代

m3 ds real11 pm, "government-sponsored" "earthquake second anniversary memorial service has been engaged in the National Theatre, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. About 1,200 relatives of the victims and representatives from the three branches of length Emperor and Empress, from Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attended. 46 minutes to 1 minute earthquake occurred at 2:00 pm, the silent prayer, I prayed for the "Expectations in reconstruction agency" Keidanren Chairman Yonekura I "not progressing as feeling" Earthquake Reconstructionouls of the victims. <br>
Abe expressed in oration "to respond by the people who live hard to now, to accelerate the reconstruction, but he is also a way to reward spirits only victims who are watching us in heaven" and. I said, "Based on the lessons learned from the recent, pledge to proceed with a nation-building (madman) tough to withstand disasters all over Japan and". </ p> "<">南海トラフ地震想定の防災訓練 観光客らも訓練 京都

m3 ds realYears of Sun Zhongshan new horse 6R3 "9 (Dart 1200 m) is. 2 minutes 14 seconds one time victory No. 9 Esutoke popular jockey riding Bushizawa Yuji (male, stables Koichi Shinkai-Miho) is fully plugged straight stretch . <br> (good)
Became the start of fall apart, heading cherry berry speed ride from the innermost. Crown burette, and is attached to the place good Kineorozu, 4 corner went straight away subsequent to the previous three head slightly.Under 5 million years 6R3 HanshinHowever, V and cut pointing to cherry berry stuffing steadily difference, sticky Esutoke along the way in front of the goal, which is located slightly behind the midfield when accelerating from outside. 2 pieces of umami difference 3/4 cherry berry popular in the second, to wear 3 of the 1/2 horse only one eighth the popular Crown burette contains. <br>
Esutoke, the pedigree of father Mejiroraian Maineruravu father, Eakoko mother, mother. </ p> "2月の消費者物価、3.2%上昇=10カ月ぶり高水準―中国

m3 ds realAn increase of 0.0% year-on-year in real terms, excluding inflation, gross domestic product (GDP, seasonally adjusted) value of the revision of the FY 10-12 Heisei 24 Cabinet Office "was announced on April 8, 0 annualized increase of 0.2%, growth. positive was revised up from decrease of 0.4% per annum of the preliminary is because the public investment and private-sector capital investment. yellowtail three quarters have improved sense of bottoming out of the economy has become clear . <br>
Preliminary estimates of the negative, it was turned to a plus value since FY 10-12 revised 2004. We have also contributed to higher stock-weak yen to advance in anticipation of "Abenomikusu" Shinzo Abe administration's economic p<a href="">Sun East's first grand champion horse, war 煌山 Tochigi third champion on the first dayolicy, corporate and individual investment sentiment has improved. <br>
In demand items of real GDP, down 1.5% (preliminary figure is down 2.6 percent) was revised upward to a capital investment. In order to reflect the statistics, such as corporations, which was announced after the preliminary. Increased by 0.5% (up 0.4%), was revised up to an increase of 1.8% (up 1.5%), public investment and consumer spending. <br>
Contribution to the change in real GDP, domestic demand plus 0.2% (plus 0.1%), external demand from exports minus imports minus 0.2% (minus 0.2%). <br>
On the other hand, GDP nominal, which is close to feeling down economy has been raised to 1.3% year-on-year decrease of 0.3%, per annum. </ p> ">東京株、午前終値1万2214円 リーマン破綻直前の水準を一時上回る

m3 ds realTokyo stock market the day 6 closing price of the Nikkei Stock Average. Was continued rise significantly, as the closing price. Sen ¥ 27 11 932 high sen ¥ 82 248 compared to the previous day, for the first time in five months four years since September 25, 2008 "highs, I've hit a new high after the collapse of Lehman Brothers followed by five days.

Sharp, by the Board of DirectorsORIX acquisition, a major glass fiberof the morning of September 6, there is coverage to resolve the capital and business alliance with Samsung Electronics Korea and announced on the same day, he pushed up the stock price.

High of 14.60 points at 1003.22 compared to the previous day's closing price (TOPIX) has become the highest level since March '10 08 TOPIX.

Volume was 2.9 billion shares estimated at 91 million. 'フィラト内閣不信任=モルドバ議会

m3 ds realIn the regular press conference of five days, about the proposed sanctions of the UN Security Council against North Korea conducted a nuclear test in February, spokesman of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Korea [Jiji Seoul] The" progress substantial was obtained "said, I have acknowledgedTo kick ... draw down dissidents Syria, Assad father image that the U.S. and China have reached a basic agreement with.
The spokesman "and did not necessarily agreed yet fully", with respect to the informal meeting is open to the early hours of 06 hours of Japan "is intended to gather to discuss, or adopted on the spot not sure" I showed a view of the.米強制削減、入国審査で行列も=オバマ大統領「影響最小化を」

m3 ds realThe training support mechanisms developed residential relief foundation general incorporated association to tackle the analysis? Survey of the ground, in activities related to dissemination and technological improvements in soil improvement work and organized, the expert of the ground "housing inspector ground (R)" Training Course Date of venue added in Tokyo and other regions have been determined. Recently <br> story so far <br> <br> ■, there has been an increasing interest of the public for the ground, especially for those who build a house, get on your safe, without any knowledge of home ground It is something that MUST NOT. However, to have knowledge of the housing ground is limited to some experts in the industry in the ground. "Knowledge building," such as preventing defective housing measures and earthquake and seismic control? Seismic isolation? Seismic, but are everywhere in the world, on the ground, "such as how to prevent the defect measures differential settlement and liquefaction ground, construction measures ground 's current situation, of course, "knowledge, the owner is very little I do not have a partner of architects and housing companies. "Inspector ground (R)" qualification, which was founded alarmed at this situation <br> is, housing that can have a basic knowledge of the ground housing and construction inspection measures ground or have been constructed properly and experts of the ground. <br> ● 10:00 ~ 11:30 Registration starAki is hot! Fujinami Fever? Tiger soon!>ts Opened::? <br> ● 9:30 ~ <br> <br> Training Course Outline of "(R) Inspector ground" general statement] [first lecture] ( Third [: point <br> ● 13:40 ~ 14:40 of view of the ground and ground survey [Lecture II: Compliance) <br> ● 11:40 ~ 12:50 inspector role and ground (R) <br> ● 16:00 ~ 17 point of point of foundation design and construction inspection measures] Lecture fourth [: <br> ● 14:50 ~ 15:50 features of each method of soil improvement and foundation design point] like this: 00: <br> <br> [?? Greetings end test students completing final exam answers commentary] ["inspector ground (R)" to be held held training courses] Description Additional Event Date and venue <br> ●: <br > March 2, 2013 Venue Sapporo: Saturday, March 16, 2013 <br> (capacity 100 people) Place Hamamatsu: Saturday March 30, 2013 <br> (capacity 70 people) (Sat) When choosing destination <br> News SUUMO <br> ■ News Links: (capacity 100 people) the housing manufacturers [Articles], Tokyo venue Saturday, April 06, 2013 <br>: (capacity 100 people) Osaka venue Buyer did for deciding factor? Clearance of the entire house is about half a postcard? (Even with IKEA kitchen) "compassion consumption parent" active living topics of the week - low-pressure bomb to typhoon boost a home's sale of children for sale detached ... highly insulated airtight. Home maintenance and for not losing the storm? I'm too lazy to housecleaning. Tips for doing efficient? I tried to listen to the experts篠原涼子、“オヤジ女子”に!2年ぶり連ドラ主演で新境地!

フェンディ歌舞伎俳優の市川海老蔵さんが27日、66歳で亡くなった父?團十郎(本名?堀越夏雄=ほりこし?なつお)さんについて青山葬儀所(東京都港区)で営まれた本葬の後、取材に応じ、「寂しいですね。父、師匠として大きな男でした。僕、家族、一門、ファンにとって大きな存在だったと日に日に感じています」とありし日をしのび、「父は孫と共演するのが夢だった。僕も孫と共演できるように精進したい」と亡き父への思いを語った。<br><br>【写真特集】米倉涼子さんや松本幸四郎さんらが参列した本葬の模様<br><br> 本葬には現在、第2子男児を妊娠中の海老蔵さんの妻?麻央さんは欠席。海老蔵さんは「(出産予定は)3月末だけど、体が冷えるので(欠席した)。諸先輩方にも相談して『無理することない』と言葉をいただいた。(麻央さんは)家で温まっていると思う」と説明。さらに、團十郎さんが生前、麻央さんについて「僕にはもったいない女性。いい嫁をもらって安心した」といっていたことを明かし、第2子の名前について「随分前に決まっていて、父も知っている」と話した。<br><br> また、團十郎さんの辞世の句「色は空 空は色との 時なき世へ」について「12月あたりにパソコンに入れていたみたいです。4月に新歌舞伎座にでるつもりでいたと思ったが、最後の覚悟をしていたんだなあ」と話し、今後の歌舞伎界について「3月から新しく明るい話題Emerged in the "honey Dan Post" Melo Imai! Also starring in the film picked Erosを提供していきたい」と思いを語っていた。<br><br> 本葬は小雨の中、歌舞伎俳優やファンら約2500人が参列。歌舞伎俳優の尾上菊五郎さんや坂田藤十郎さん、松竹の迫本淳一社長、作家の三浦朱門さん、森喜朗元首相が弔辞を述べた。さらに、松本幸四郎さんや中村橋之助さん、三田寛子さん、市川猿之助さん、市川中車さん、尾上菊之助さん、北大路欣也さん、米倉涼子さんらが駆け付け、團十郎さんに最後の別れを告げた。<br><br> 團十郎さんは東京生まれ。江戸歌舞伎の名門?市川宗家十一代目團十郎の長男で、1953年に市川夏雄を名乗って初舞台を踏んだ。58年に六代目市川新之助、69年に十代目海老蔵を襲名。85年には、十二代目團十郎を襲名し、初の米国での襲名公演も行った。04年に歌舞伎座出演中に体調不良を訴えて入院。「急性前骨髄球性白血病」と診断された。08年には骨髄移植を受けるなど闘病しながら舞台を続けた。(毎日新聞デジタル)【関連記事】 市川團十郎さん:雨の本葬に2500人 海老蔵「父の子で幸せ」  市川海老蔵:父?團十郎さん死去で会見 涙こらえ「大きな愛で見守ってもらった」  市川海老蔵:映画プレミアで改めて陳謝「新たな気持ちで精進」  市川海老蔵:麻央夫妻に女児誕生 「たくさんの愛情を注いでいきたい」  小林麻央:「私も赤ちゃんもすくすく」妊娠6カ月おなかふっくら 初の公の場に姉妹で登場美容家電を選ぶ決め手「ユーザーレビュー」と答えた人が3割<