m3i zeroReceived that has been delayed in decontamination under the direct control of the country to carry out in the municipality 11 around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station TEPCO, at a press conference after the cabinet meeting on July 12, Environment Minister Ishihara removed at the end of March next year. "I said, "there is also possible to check everything before summer, revise as necessary" for the decontamination plan established for each municipalityPrime Minister Shinzo Abe in the House of Representatives Budget Committee = the cooperation of electoral reform in Fukushima Prefecture aims to complete dyeing. <br>
According to the Ministry of the Environment, the decontamination was initiated in four municipalities, in Tomioka-machi and Futaba town you have not been able to plan decontamination. Due to allocate or Luggage temporary soil stripping, is that it takes a long time to get consent from the residents to get started decontamination, from local re-examination of the plan was out the voice of need. </ p> 松坂、右ふくらはぎけいれんで途中交代

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