m3 ds real11 pm, "government-sponsored" "earthquake second anniversary memorial service has been engaged in the National Theatre, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. About 1,200 relatives of the victims and representatives from the three branches of length Emperor and Empress, from Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attended. 46 minutes to 1 minute earthquake occurred at 2:00 pm, the silent prayer, I prayed for the "Expectations in reconstruction agency" Keidanren Chairman Yonekura I "not progressing as feeling" Earthquake Reconstructionouls of the victims. <br>
Abe expressed in oration "to respond by the people who live hard to now, to accelerate the reconstruction, but he is also a way to reward spirits only victims who are watching us in heaven" and. I said, "Based on the lessons learned from the recent, pledge to proceed with a nation-building (madman) tough to withstand disasters all over Japan and". </ p> "<">南海トラフ地震想定の防災訓練 観光客らも訓練 京都

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