paul smith  face it, memory is a hazy thing. Before you know it, years have passed, you forget the key in your life things. Written at the end of the summary way to protect your life.Writing 2006Perhaps keep this just me, but it seems that life is more busy years passed. I purchased a small number of unskilled good things, make life more convenient, but the work seems to pile up. Coupled with time-intensive aspects of family and personal life issues and time, just volume. Frankly, I can not believe this is the end of 2006. At that rate, it will be 2026 before I even see us in the past it.As time combat, it is easy for you to become hazy memories of a sharp memories. It seems that only yesterday, I was 25. In February this year, I will turn 40. Sigh. As I have aged, not elegant, I have started to forget more things than I am willing to admit. You may have. They told me that it is a natural event turning point, but it certainly is troubling.One way to beat memory loss is just a passing impression of a year to write. In this case, we are talking about 2006, but any one y Writing is the basi ear. During the holidays, tend to have a lot of dead time when you can take some precautions, and the kids playing death-ray beast 9-- end of the world or whatever.I try to sit down and write out all the things that happened in my significant one years. The magazine is just for me, good and bad things, including a complete perspective. I've done a few years. Interestingly, back in 2006 read project. Memories flood back several times. And bad things, interesting things seem to realize that such a serious time, did not do is almost catastrophic, I imagined.I strongly suggest that you consider your experience, each year to maintain the diary. You can do on the computer, but I never remember where I saved everything, and occasionally lose my hard drive for viruses and Microsoft odd little error. Because of this, I use a blank diary, to accommodate all. It creates a nice little life's autobiography, so good reading. Obviously, you can use any you like, but I strongly suggest you gift it a try. It will beat any Stephen King book, it is time to do a little reading. If you try to write an ar

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