モンクレールEuro fall in yen dollar pair, October 29 enlarged photo delivery 46 minutes (Tue) 6:00 October 30, Reuters market = NY, in the New York foreign exchange market, from the uncertainty surrounding the euro zone in the uncertainty over the euro zone the euro fell against the dollar and the yen. In the foreign exchange market NEW YORK (Reuters / Lee Jae Won, 2012) [NEW YORK (Reuters) 29] of the 29th, the euro fell against the dollar and the yen in June shooting in Seoul. It does not show signs that Spain and Greece uncertainty surrounding the fiscal consolidation has decided to support was completely compressed. Amid concerns about corporate earnings <br> <br> European forum <br> <br> foreign exchange [Special] The relapse, for the time being, with the yen against the dollar or to be safe assets, including the euro and remained weak been observed. rough going consultations with international organizations and the support of the country over the austerity measures Greece <br> <br> has become the material pressure on the euro. To ensure the next loan until mid-November, Greece mus"I was sleeping" Hara ... not even reach the Nine "congratulations" exceptional captain Party Greached an agreement on a comprehensive austerity measures. While Prime Minister Monti and Spanish Prime Minister Rahoi <br> <br> Italy met this day, was limited impact on the market. The "quick remedy to solve the problem of Europe does not exist," said Managing Director of <br> <br> BK Asset Management, said Kathy Lien is "Spain is trying to deflect attention from problems of the country . shows a view of the country but government bond yields is at the level that can be addressed now, and "it is necessary to completely dispel the need for assistance is reduced to less than 5%. impact of Hurricane "Sandy" that the United States landed on the east coast in the evening as well <br> <br> 29 is expected to have expanded. Other was closed for the day, also expected to be closed for 30 days the U.S. stock market. The U.S. bond market trading was shortened. <br> <br> dollar rose against the yen to ¥ 79.80 0.2% appreciation of the time. Movement who had observed this week, with the Bank of Japan decided to aggressive monetary easing. I resent it and add the contents <br> <br> *.<a href="http://www.shopmyown.com/index.php/archives/317">iPad power adapter shipped with the power up quietly. Charging time it is considered to be shortened to 10W → 12W</a>

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