Moncler Coats WomenCOLOMBO, Nov. 17 (Xinhua) -- The Sri Lankan government is allocating 11 million U.S. dollars to complete the resettlement of the last 3,125 internally displaced families two years after a brutal three-decade conflict ended, a top minister said here on Thursday.Accordingly 1,687 families will be relocated in the Mullaitivu District in the north along with 166 families in the Mannar District with the assistance of the security forces in the north and east, said Media Minister and government spokesman Keheliya Rambukwella .An additional 1,272 families will be resettled in Muttur in the Trincomalee District within the eastern province.Rambukwella said each family will be provided a basic house with a permanent toi John Drennan: Tax is not only 'for the little people', says TD et in addition to common dug wells and other facilities."We had resettled 97 percent of the internally displaced by October 2011 and these are the last families that need to be sent back home," he said adding that the government has allocated 1.3 billion rupees (about 11 million U.S. dollars) for the project.At the end of the conflict there were around 300,000 internally displaced people in Sri Lanka living in government-run welfare centers.Following the completion of resettlement the government has announced plans to close the Resettlement Ministry in January as its mandate is effectively over.However non-governmental organizations say that more needs to be done to assure livelihoods for the resettled people.<a href=""> From oil to wind -- energy revolution in Danish town </a>

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