モンクレールOctober 28, 42 minutes delivery enlarged photograph (Mon) 7:00 October 29 Reuters, received the approach of the hurricane "Sandy", NY financial institutions have special structure, the stock exchanges of New York in the approaching hurricane only electronic trading I decided to take the system and financial institutions for the special work of the beginning of the week 29. Received an approach (Reuters / Carlo Allegri 2012) of Hurricane "Sandy" [NEW YORK (Reuters) 28] from the staff of the New York Stock Exchange to carry sandbags, photos and financial exchanges in New York will work on the 29th next week I took a special system for. Based on the suspended service of public transport, reduce the financial exchanges and trading hours limited to electronic trading. Financial institutions have taken steps to have stayed in the hotel and downtown employees the minimum required in advance, such as support from other areas. 28, Governor Cuomo of New York State <br> <br> service announcement subway, bus, railway and stop at 7:00 pm on the same day. Decided that 29 is closed for the public schools of the city, Mayor Bloomberg of New York, issued an evacuation order to 375 000 people in the coastal area. 28, the NASDAQ OMX Group, which operates the NasFormer boy death row <killing light Maternal and Child> The appeal for retrial on the 29thaq <NDAQ.O> and NYSE Euronext, which operates <NYX.N> (NYSE) New York Stock Exchange <br> <br> was expressed and carried out 29 transactions . However, the only electronic trading of NYSE trading floor broker is aborted. Discontinuation of trading floor broker for the first time since 1985. Direct Edge Exchange showed emerging prospect to do regular trading. We announced <CME.O> CME Group, which operates the Chicago Mercantile Exchange <br> <br> and to suspend trading of the NYMEX floor broker on the 29th. I have, such as Globex electronic trading is performed as usual. U.S. Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association <br> <br> (SIFMA) has revealed that it has recommended that the end (at 1:00 am 1600GMT, 30 Japan time) earlier than usual noon on the 29th bond market transactions . I have been working for member companies of the bond trading department <br> <br> is left to the judgment of their respective owners. hurried also supports major financial institutions on Wall Street, Goldman Sachs <br> <br> <GS.N>, Citigroup <CN>, such as JP Morgan Chase <JPM.N>. 29 days of taking a system for employees of the U.S. West Coast and go to work as soon as possible, the European department overtime. I resend to correct the heading <br> <br> *.<a href="http://www.shopmyown.com/index.php/archives/312een effectively utilized J-ALERT spent a huge amount of tax relief to</a>

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